

Appreciators have a role of vital importance. We are readers, watchers, thinkers, do-ers, catchers in the rye, digesters (both literally and figuratively). We are praise-singers, lovers of things, ideas, people, routine, practice, knowledge, content, form, space, time, flow and funk. We are the audience. We shout back from the void, saying YES. I DIG IT!

Appreciators are the echo, the answer, the response to the call, the sound of two hands clapping.

What happens here is paying tribute. What happens here is taken seriously. This is a place to dig deep.

The goal is to have new editions on the semi-reg. Check back often for fresh content and for things you might have missed. Take a chance and read something you don’t currently appreciate…you never know.

From time to time, we will offer Special Editions, on such critical subjects as pizza, Star Wars, Sundays, peanut butter and The Big Lebowski. I hope you get what we are doing here. I hope you laugh, think, find kindred spirits, get fired up, and above all, appreciate it.

This has been a long time coming. Hopefully it will be a long time going.

“From here on out, I’m only interested in true feeling” -Lester Bangs

Emma, Appreciator-In-Chief