1: Founders Breakfast Stout

Beer #1

Founders Breakfast Stout, Founders Brewing, 8.3%


When you uncap this bitch, it’s like opening a bag of freshly ground coffee. it’s an instantly robust sensation. You can drop this baby into a cooler or pint glass, but if you have something wide-mouthed, like a snifter or an oversized wine glass, opt for that; it deserves some room to stretch out.

This baby is black as motor oil--look into the abyss--with a beautiful bronze head of thick foamy lacing. The caramel colored head is well retained in a beautiful contrast from the dark as night body of the beer.

Get that schnoz in there. Dig in. Big time aromas of coffee, burnt toast, caramel, and baker’s chocolate. Deeper aromas like “Brown Biscuits” or biscuits with brown butter and brown sugar.

I'm not a coffee drinker at all, at all, but there is coffee all over this one. And it’s SUPERB. It tastes like a glass of burnt chocolate, black coffee, and unsulfured molasses. Deep, deep stout flavors are epically highlighted here.

But despite how prevalent these roasted coffee and bittersweet chocolate flavors are, the mouthfeel is remarkably smooth. At room temperature or outdoor chilled--as I cooled it--it's creamy and warming. This stout coats the mouth fully, leaving behind a lovingly hefty amount of richness on your palate to get you giddy for that next sip.


This is an elite beer. No doubt. If rankings or awards mean something to you, it’s currently ranked in the top 30 on beeradvocate, and at 10-12.99 per four-pack, it reaffirms the idea of high-end accessibility; however, it is seasonal, available from September to February.

While being a great “anytime beer,” Breakfast Stout is aptly named, as it is excellent in the morning with buckwheat or spelt pancakes and brown butter and molasses or honey; a rich gorganzola fritatta; or some sweet breakfast pastries. It would also pair well with smoked meats and bbq like burnt ends, brisket, slathered pulled chicken, and/or fatty short ribs. You could pair it with rich chocolate layer cake, buttery cupcakes, molasses and ginger cookies, tiramisu, flan, or other rich desserts or as a dessert itself.

For a stout lover, this is an absolute must. One of the finest american imperial stouts out there. Cheers.    

Pat Marino lives in New Jersey. He appreciates a heart that's a yolk, peanut butter and the promise of publicly-practiced, communal hygiene.


2: Freshchester Pale Ale


the ground beneath my feet