New Orleans In Five Acts
Dispatches from New Orleans:
second liners in green
1. The Original Big Seven second line steppers were posing at the Tremé 200 Super Second Line to celebrate 200 years of one of the oldest, culturally rich African American neighborhoods in the United States- WHERE JAZZ WAS BORN!
Rosie(s) The Riveter and her homegals/bros.
2. The weekend before Halloween on Frenchmen Street in the Marigny is INSANE. Not Pictured: full homemade stage of The Voice chairs and judges with open mic for street partyers, Many Binders Full of Women, Extremely large man in tutu, New Orleanians taking their costumes very, very, VERY seriously.
Meta Halloween
3. Appreciator Alberta dressing up as Frida Kahlo for Halloween. Alberta's student dressing up as Alberta. Such an honor.
4. Hurricane Isaac: A View From The Hurrication
5. A visit from Deacon John Moore, a New Orleans institution. His visit was made possible by The HistoryMakers:
"By recording, preserving and sharing the life stories of thousands of African Americans, from President Barack Obama to the oldest living black cowboy, The HistoryMakers is a leader in helping to educate and enlighten millions worldwide through refashioning a more inclusive record of American history."
Alberta on the visit: "I have never heard anyone sing with so much conviction at such a seemingly small-time venue. This man was a true character-- tears and laughter were equally close to the surface and often erupted. He played slide guitar with the neck of a wine bottle. Just incredible."
Alberta Wright and Jake Graham-Felsen live in New Orleans. They appreciate Boston, desert boots and pancakes.