Netflix, or My Spare Time
He’s Sterling Archer
Misogyny’s fun again!
Baby, you’re pear shaped
Seasons one through four
Big blocks of cheese there will be
Bartlet asks, “What’s Next”?
Your hair, Mike Logan
That pizza bomb exploding
A ‘DOINK DOINK’ is heard
Bottle episode
Trevor St. Mc Goodbody
Britta is the worst
Don Draper, come back
I really hate Megan, guys
Don’t buy a Jaguar
Lindsay Weir’s got game
But I never got the Dead
The 80s were weird
Real art has horses
El sabor de soledad
Who ate my sandwich?!
The Bluth Family
Go back from whence you came, seal
I just blue myself
Galia Abramson appreciates martinis...with toast.